Larry isn't sure if the former commander in chief is right this is hardly what he signed up for, but he can't pass up the chance to care for a museum where history really does come to life. Larry turns to a wax replica of President Roosevelt ( Williams) for a little advice on keeping things in tact, but Teddy seems to think that a man of Larry's greatness needs little help. On top of cleaning up after two million years of historical chaos every night, he also has to make sure that not a single museum piece leaves the building - from the bratty Capuchin monkey in the African exhibit, to the life-sized Neanderthal in the prehistoric display - because if morning light falls on an escaped artifact, it will turn to dust. His first night on the job, however, he finds that guardianship of the museum is far from stable - at nightfall, an Egyptian spell brings the artifacts and wax figures to life! With Attila the Hun charging to war through the hallways, the diorama miniatures embroiled in a deadly feud, and a two-ton Tyrannosaurus Rex nagging to play fetch, Larry has half a mind to turn tail and run. The city where THE BORROWERS takes place resembles a generic 1950s American metropolis with a slightly gothic appearance - sort of a lighter version of BATMANs Gotham City.
Aside from the solid cast and the entertaining script, the movie also boasts an impressive look. The film stars Eddie Albert, Tammy Grimes and Judith Anderson and was directed by Walter C. Likewise, THE BORROWERS stays at a high enough level to involve adults. 1 This made for television special is adapted from the 1952 Carnegie Medal -winning first novel 2 of author Mary Norton 's The Borrowers series: The Borrowers.
Its Christmas time and after years of living under the floorboards, the Clock family are discovered after their daughter, Arrietty, befriends a young human bean boy, James. The Borrowers is a Hallmark Hall of Fame TV special first broadcast in 1973 on NBC.

Written by Ben Vanstone after Mary Norton’s books The Borrowers, the film is directed by Tom Harper. None of his ideas or inventions has panned out, so with a heavy heart, he takes a regular job as a lowly graveyard-shift security guard at the Museum of Natural History in order to provide a more stable life for himself and his ten-year-old son. The Borrowers is a 2011 film from the BBC, that was broadcast on BBC One. However, their peaceful co-existence is disturbed when evil lawyer Ocious P. Synopsis: The four-inch-tall Clock family secretly share a house with the normal-sized Lender family, 'borrowing' such items as thread, safety pins, batteries and scraps of food.

Larry Daley ( Stiller) is a kind-hearted dreamer who always knew that he was destined for greatness, he just never quite knew how. General information for The Borrowers (1997). The new night watchman at New York's Museum of Natural History finds that the job comes with more responsibility than he ever dreamed in this wild fantasy comedy directed by Shawn Levy and starring Ben Stiller, Robin Williams, Mickey Rooney, and Dick Van Dyke.