It also pupil doesn't respond to changes in the light or other stimulants. In this condition, your pupil stays expanded and shows very slight changes in size if any. Adie’s tonic pupil is a rare neurological disorder and usually only affects one eye. This problem may happen after a stroke and will often be accompanied by difficulties in balance, swallowing, and hearing.Īdie’s tonic pupil. Horner's syndrome is a rare disease caused when the nerve pathway from your brain to one side of your face is disturbed and the eye on that side of your face is affected. It's usually harmless and doesn't require treatment unless it interferes with your normal vision. About 20% of healthy people have some degree of anisocoria. Essential or functional anisocoria simply means you have unequal pupil sizes in the two eyes. Here are some of the most common pupil disorders.Īnisocoria. Symptoms of an abnormality in pupil function include headache, light sensitivity, double vision, and drooping eyelids. It's also possible for the pupil in only one eye to be affected. Health Problems That Can Affect the Pupilįlaws in the pupil could be the result of a disorder of the eye or the pathway connecting the brain and the eye. The most commonly abused drugs that affect pupil size include cocaine, LSD, MDMA, heroin, methamphetamines, and ketamine. Illegal or recreational drugs can also produce noticeable changes in pupil size. This allows medical professionals to take a better look at your inner eye. Your ophthalmologist or eye doctor might give you eye drops that widen or dilate your pupils. Both prescription and over-the-counter drugs can cause your pupils to expand or contract. The pupils can also widen if you're concentrating hard on a particular task like solving a math problem or retrieving a memory. In general, pupils tend to grow wider if you vividly feel a positive or negative emotion. Seeing strong emotional cues like a person laughing or crying could also cause differences in pupil size. The pupils slightly expand or dilate every time you feel excited or nervous. Processing or experiencing emotions leads to changing pupil sizes too. Pupils also make small adjustments in size to help you focus better on a close or distant object.Įmotions. The pupils in both eyes respond independently to bright or dim light, so it's possible for one pupil to expand or contract while the other remains stable. Variations in lighting conditions are the most common reason for a change in pupil size. Past physical injuries to the eye or the head can also have a long-lasting impact on the average pupil size. Pupil size can change dramatically in response to not only light but also your emotions, periods of intense concentration, recently eaten foods, prescription and recreational drugs, and underlying diseases or disorders. For example, the pupil is the widest around age 15, after which it begins narrowing in an inconsistent fashion after age 25. The maximum pupil size also varies significantly among different age groups. In an adult, the pupil's diameter usually varies between 2 and 4 millimeters in bright light and between 4 and 8 millimeters in dark. If the pupil doesn't vary in size in response to changes in lighting and gaze, there might be something wrong. Your pupil's size can also change depending on whether you're looking at nearby or far-away objects. In dark surroundings, the pupil expands to let more light in. If you're in a bright environment, the pupil will shrink in size to allow less light to enter the eye. The size of your pupil keeps changing throughout the day according to the lighting conditions around you. The pupil is round in shape and appears black because the light striking it's absorbed into deeper parts of the eye. The iris is responsible for adjusting the diameter of the pupil to let more or less light in. The pupil is surrounded by the colored part of the eye called the iris. Pupils are the black-colored circles in your eyes that allow light to enter.